Kennedy Elementary Library
Welcome to our New Kennedy Library

Dear Parents,
I am thrilled to serve as your child’s librarian again this year! I look forward to helping him/her become a critical thinker, enthusiastic reader, skillful researcher, and ethical user of information! Reading is one of the most important skills your child will learn in school. Like all skills, improvement comes with practice, and the Kennedy School Library provides a wide variety of books for students to borrow for reading practice, information, and enjoyment. Your student’s class will visit the library weekly to select books. You can help your student by reading to or with him/her and asking questions about the story. Encourage your child to spend time reading at home every day.
Students are responsible to handle library books with care, since they are for everyone to share. Please keep books away from pets, food, and all liquids. Any book damage should be reported to the library as soon as possible so I can attempt repairs.
Library books may be kept for one week then must be returned. A book may be renewed (checked out again) if the student is not finished reading it. Any overdue (late) book means a student cannot borrow another book until the overdue book is renewed or returned.
If a book is lost, payment toward a replacement will be requested from the parents.
Parents may check out books to read to or with their family. Please come into the library and set up an account. Our library is open from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Monday through Friday (closed for lunch, dismissal duty, and occasional meetings)
The library offers free online books that children can read and listen to at home. Please visit the Kennedy Library website Click on the Digital Resources tab on the left and scroll down to PebbleGo, Unite for Literacy, or Capstone for more information.
Please encourage your child to enjoy and take care of our library materials and return them for more. Also, please enjoy the library books WITH your children!
For more information, visit our school library webpage
Also, please follow our Twitter
Happy Reading!
Mrs. Hamilton
Contact Us
Sharon Hamilton
Library Information Specialist
Email Sharon Hamilton
Sylvia Ponder
Library Information Assistant
Email Sylvia Ponder
Normal library hours are 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
If you have questions, please contact Ms. Hamilton.